Join the Haystack Community

Haystack is fully open source. Our community is made up of NLP researchers, enthusiasts, engineers and people who are interested in semantic search. Join us!


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  • 6.9k Stars
  • 154 Contributors

Most Active Community Members

  • danielbichuetti

  • roland_tannous

  • recrudesce

  • FlashGordon

  • Tim Isbister

  • Stefano Fiorucci

  • Mr8Bit

  • SnowBunny

  • mattvan83

  • agnieszka-m

  • OKAN

  • Grandfunk

Upcoming Events

ChatGPT is awesome, but what next?

ChatGPT is awesome, but what next?

28th Feb 2023 17:00 CET Zoom

Learn how to use LLMs to build products with deepset Cloud. Channel the buzz around ChatGPT into something that is useful for you and your organization.


The Open NLP Meetup

The Open NLP Group is more than just high-quality talks from industry and research perspectives. It’s also the place to meet other NLP enthusiasts and to discuss and share ideas on how to integrate NLP techniques into your applications. We get together every three months and we welcome people from all kinds of backgrounds to join.

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